2015 Gold Rush Squad
Get to know the 2015 Gold Rush cheerleaders squad, presented by Bud Light!

Tenure: 2 years Nationality: Japanese Hometown: Tokyo, Japan What does it mean to be a 49ers Faithful? It means being grateful for the team every year, no matter what! What is the best part of being a cheerleader? I love performing at Levi's Stadium. I feel so much energy from the fans! What's the biggest thrill? Moving to America was the biggest thrill in my life. Now I love it! If you were stranded on a desert island, what 3 things would you want to have with you? Sunglasses, water, and red lipstick! What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? Riding a crazy taxi through Bangkok.  Words to live by: "Eat like you love yourself. Move like you love yourself. Speak like you love yourself. Act like you love yourself."Â

Tenure: 6 yearsNationality: I am Half Chinese and Half French. Hometown: Antioch, California When did you become a 49ers Fan? I became a 49ers fan when my dad and my papa used to watch Sunday football every week when I was growing up, back in the Steve Young and Jerry Rice days!What is your favorite workout? One of my favorite workouts is taking a Barre class! It is such an amazing workout that also incorporates stretching and balance, which are two very important factors for dancers and cheerleaders to practice.Best advice for someone who dreams of being on Gold Rush? Do not ever give up on your dreams! Gold Rush is such an amazing blessing. Keep working hard, keep doing what you love, make goals for yourself and never stop believing!What is the number one thing on your bucket list? My number one thing on my bucket list is to travel all around the world, especially to all of the different Disneyland's!Why did you decide to audition for Gold Rush? I was first inspired to try out for the Gold Rush when I was a young girl. One of my favorite dance teachers was on the team and I loved everything about it. She was such a poised person, amazing dancer and always had a funÂloving spirit. I wanted to embrace everything she was teaching me and become a Gold Rush Cheerleader myself one day.What is your favorite memory from Gold Rush? My favorite Gold Rush memory happened last year when my teammates voted me as the 2015 Pro Bowl Cheerleader. I was so honored and felt so grateful to have had that opportunity to represent my whole team in Arizona. It was definitely a life changing experience and this year I want to pass on to the Gold Rush some of the amazing aspects that I learned from it.

Tenure: 4 yearsNationality: Portuguese, English, Macanese, and German Hometown: Petaluma, CaliforniaWhen did you start dancing? I took my first dance class at the age of three and began dancing competitively when I was eight. My favorite styles of dance are jazz, contemporary, and hip hop. When did you become a 49ers fan? I was born and raised a 49ers fan! What's something about being on Gold Rush that people should know? All of my teammates are constantly striving to be their best. We practice outside of our rehearsal times with each other to make sure we are the best we can possibly be. Most girls on the team have full time jobs or are full time students, and they are able to balance it all. I am inspired by everyone on my team for their hard work and dedication. What is your favorite Niner moment? My favorite 49ers moment would have to be attending the 2013 Super Bowl in New Orleans when the Niners played the Ravens. It was my first year on the team and it was an honor to be able to experience Super Bowl and cheer on the Niners at their biggest game of the year! Who is your favorite former 49ers player? Jerry Rice because he is the greatest wide receiver of all time. He is an extreme athlete who did so much for the 49ers. I had the opportunity to work with Jerry when shooting a television pilot called Friday Night Impossible, where Jerry mentored a high school football team. A teammate and myself mentored the school's cheer team. It was an honor to watch Jerry in his element. He is a team player on and off the field.

Tenure: Rookie Nationality: German and SwedishHometown: Folsom, CaliforniaWho is the biggest influence in your life? The biggest influence in my life is my first high school dance team coach because she saw potential in me. I grew so much as a person and performer under her instruction. She's such a strong woman and she inspired me to follow my dream of being a part of the Gold Rush. Who is your favorite 49ers player? Navarro Bowman because he's the captain of the defense now and has shown incredible perseverance in recovering from a terrible knee injury that kept him out for an entire season. Educational background: I am a full time student at a four year university majoring in health science with a concentration in administration. I am pursuing work in a hospital as a health care administrator. In addition to cheerleading what do you do for fun? I like outdoor activities such as hiking, kayaking, boogie boarding, and playing with Bailey, my Shiba Inu. I also enjoy baking for my friends and family. What is your favorite 49ers moment? "The Catch III" where Vernon Davis made the winning catch to beat the New Orleans Saints to advance to the NFC Championship game.

Tenure: RookieNationality: "Soy Chicana" – Mexican AmericanHometown: Fresno, CaliforniaWhen did you start cheering? I began dancing on a Pop Warner team when I was eight years old. My team was the Central Cubs. What does it mean to be a 49ers Faithful? Being a 49ers Faithful means that you share a feeling of camaraderie with those who have the same deep belief in the value of the 49ers. A 49ers Faithful fan has an unwavering faith in the team, regardless of changes and/or obstacles thrown their way. Educational Background: In June of 2015, I received a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Philosophy at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Partnered with Teach For America, I was able to attend an intensive training to prepare me for my teaching career. I am now enrolled at a University, working towards a "Multiple Subjects" Teaching Credential, and will eventually receive a Masters in Urban Education there as well.Who is the biggest Influence in your life? My mother Rosa and father Manuel are the biggest influences in my life. They are both extremely incredible individuals. Both my parents were born and raised in Mexico. And though neither of them was fortunate enough to receive a higher than elementary education, they eventually moved to the United States and worked relentlessly to become the people that they are today. My father became a Civil Engineer and has been for over three decades. My mother took on various careers before settling down to be a housewife when I was born. They have been married for over four decades. Their unconditional love and support, as well as their commitment to growth and development has shaped me into an optimistic, ambitious, and passionate soul.If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? The ability to make anyone laugh at a moment's notice because laughing can relieve the worst of pains.

Tenure: 4 yearsHometown: Salinas, CaliforniaWhat is your favorite 49ers moment? I will never forget the last game at The Stick! The ending of that game was perfect and will forever be one of my favorite memories!What is game day like for you? Game day is so much fun. It's kind of like the feeling you get on your birthday. I wake up excited for the day, and sometimes it's hard to sleep the night before. I get to spend the day with some of my favorite people while cheering on my favorite team. It's the perfect day!Educational Background: I am currently studying Foreign Language at a 4-year university. Why did you decide to audition for Gold Rush? I decided to audition for Gold Rush again because I love it! I love the 49ers, I love dancing, and I love the friendships I've made on this team. I feel so blessed to be a part of this incredible group of women and this exceptional organization. What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you? My first job was at Hot Dog on a Stick! What is your favorite memory from Gold Rush? After 4 years I've experienced some amazing moments; however, one of my best memories goes back to when I first found out I made the team. I couldn't believe I accomplished such an amazing goal. It was a day that I will never forget!

Tenure: 2 yearsHometown: Castro Valley, CaliforniaWhy did you decide to audition for Gold Rush? I decided to audition for Gold Rush because I wanted to dance again. I had spent my entire life dancing and performing and I missed it tremendously. Little did I know, Gold Rush would bring me so much more than just being able to dance and perform. I have made friends who are now family and memories that will last me a lifetime.Who is your favorite 49ers player? My favorite current 49ers player is Eric Reid. I had the opportunity to attend a 4-day event for the 49ers Foundation this past March called Winterfest where Eric Reid, along with many other players, alumni, staff, sponsors and their families were in attendance. I was able to witness interactions outside of a football setting and Eric Reid in particular, stood out to me. He seems as though he is not only a great man on the field, but a great man off of the football field as well. What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you? One thing that most people would be surprised to learn about me is that I golf. I was on my high school golf team and now just enjoy the sport for fun.What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? When I was 13, I traveled throughout Thailand for a month with my grandparents. I got to experience an entirely different culture and travel to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. I also got to ride an elephant!Who is the biggest Influence in your life? My biggest influence and greatest role model is my Mom. She has a bigger heart than anyone I know and handles herself with a humble confidence.Â

Tenure: 3 yearsNationality: American Indian, Greek and DanishHometown: San Jose, CaliforniaWhat is the best part of being a cheerleader? The best part of being a cheerleader is being able to intact with the community and the fans on and off the field! I also love being able to participate in the many charity events that the 49ers are a part of.What is the number one thing on your bucket list? The number one thing on my bucket list would be to find out how many balloons it would take to lift myself off the ground! In addition to dancing and cheerleading, what do you do for fun? For fun I like to do anything crafty such as decorate or take on new projects. I also love trying new recipes to make for my family, cooking is a new hobby that I am starting to really enjoy! What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? The most adventurous thing I have done would be Mountain biking down the Haleakala Volcano in Maui during sunrise.You just won a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with it? The first thing I would do is buy my mom her dream home on a ranch in a beautiful countryside with all the animals so could dream of. What is your favorite memory from Gold Rush? My favorite memory is one that will stick with me forever. It was from my very first game cheering for the 49ers at Candlestick Park and I can vividly remember being on the dugouts anticipating the kick off as we were waving our rally towels and pom poms. At that moment I just looked around at the thousands of amazing fans and thought to myself how lucky I am to be able to have this experience and cheer for my favorite team.

Tenure: 2 yearsNationality: I am proud to represent multiple nationalities from all across the world. I am Arabic, Guatemalan, Irish and Austrian. Hometown: Santa Clara CountyWhat does it take to be a Gold Rush Cheerleader? Being a part of this team requires a tremendous amount of dedication and positivity. We only get one day a week to rehearse together and that requires us to be completely focused and really have our game faces on. We learn over 20 new dances each season and it takes a lot of time and dedication to make these routines perfect for our fans. Who is your favorite former 49ers player? My favorite former 49ers player would be the amazing and incredible Steve Young. He is such an extraordinary quarterback who shined as a back up for Montana, whom is also one of my favorites. Young is not only humble but also ranked with one of the highest passer ratings for retired players. Young helped the 49ers in more ways than he may know and is still praised by all of us 49ers Faithfuls to this day. What is game day like? Game day for me starts early in the morning, with a cup of coffee and making sure I am ready for the day. The next twelve hours will be filled with only positive thoughts. We spend our mornings rehearsing and then head to the locker rooms to get ready for kick off. My favorite part of game day is waiting in the tunnels and hearing the crowd go crazy, ready for the game to start. What do you do for fun? When I am not dancing, going to school, or working, I spend most of my time riding my bike or running down to the beach. I love being outdoors and spend as much time outside as possible. San Francisco may be a small city but it is filled with so many unexplored areas that I spend most of my time running to.What is your favorite memory from Gold Rush? My favorite memory from Gold Rush was when we got to meet the beautiful and ever so inspiring Tia who was fighting a hard battle with only the most beautiful smile on her face. The Make A Wish Foundation brought Tia to us when she wished to cheer with us on our Thanksgiving game last season. I will never forget her contagious laugh and smile and she will always have a spot on this team.

Tenure: 2 years Nationality: Portuguese Hometown: San Jose, CaliforniaWhat is your favorite 49ers moment? My favorite Niners moment was the first preseason game last year. Standing on the field during the National Anthem when the flag was covering the field, I really felt honored to be part of an amazing organization. What is the best part about being a Gold Rush cheerleader? The best part of being a cheerleader is game day. Our 49ers Faithful make game days special. Going to all areas of the Stadium before the game starts to talk to our fans gets me pumped up for the game. Biggest thrill? Going to the opening night of Britney Spears Piece of Me show in Las Vegas and meeting her choreographers. In addition to dancing and cheerleading, what do you do for fun? I love to bake! I've recently found some delicious cookie recipes. If you could be on any television show what would it be and why? I would love to be a Judge on Master Chef! The contestants make the most amazing food and I would love to try all of it. What is your favorite memory from Gold Rush? My favorite memory from Gold Rush is shooting the 2015 calendar. I was fortunate to shoot with two amazing veterans in Tahoe and we were interviewed for a local news station.

Tenure: 2 yearsNationality: American Hometown: Napa, CaliforniaWhat is the best part about being a Gold Rush cheerleader? For me, the best part about being a cheerleader is the relationships you get to make. You are on a team with other women who have the same passion as you, the same love for the team as you, and you get to go out and meet so many awesome fans who are just as excited as you are.What is game day like for you? It's hard for me to put into words what game day is like. There are so many things going on, so many emotions, but it is the most incredible feeling ever. Being able to take in every moment and just appreciate the amazing opportunity I am given means so much and makes games so much more exciting. Current Occupation: I am currently working in Napa with the best job EVER as a dance teacher. I love being able to teach something I am so passionate about. What is the number one thing on your bucket list? The number one thing on my bucket list is to visit the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam. Ever since I read the book in eighth grade it's been number one on my bucket list!In addition to dancing and cheerleading, what do you do for fun? Other than dancing I love to hunt, fish, hike, camp and be adventurous! I love spending time outdoors. That's where you'll catch me if I'm not on the football field. What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you? I think something most people would be surprised to learn about me is I LOVE old country music. Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, you name it!

Tenure: 2 yearsNationality: American and HispanicHometown: Livermore, CaliforniaEducational background: I graduated with a M.S. in Human Factors and Ergonomics Engineering, and a B.A. in Psychology with a Minor in Mathematics. Who is the biggest influence in your life? My parents have been the biggest influence in my life and I wouldn't be where I am today without learning their struggles and success. My father came from Romania and taught me how to work hard and have a strong work ethic. My mother, a successful minority woman, taught me dedication and to always dream big because anything is possible. When did you start cheering? I stated cheering when I was in middle school and continued throughout high school. I also was an Acrobatic Gymnast where I competed across the U.S. In college, I attended classes to stay active and learn a variety of dance styles to further strengthen my skills. When did you become a 49ers fan? Growing up in the Bay Area my parents took me to the 49ers and San Jose Sharks games. I've always been a fan of the Red and Gold but I really started to appreciate the game and team several years ago when I temporarily moved away to southern California and was able to represent my home team while watching them on TV. In addition to dancing, what do you do for fun? I like to rock climb, hike, attend hot Pilates, relax, and travel when I can. What is game day like for you? Game day is so exciting! I always get butterflies in my stomach so I like to bring slippers and my robe to the locker room to feel relaxed while I get ready for the appearances and game. When the game starts it's electrifying and I try to take in every moment.

Tenure: 2 yearsNationality: Spanish, Italian and Native AmericanHometown: Granite Bay, CaliforniaOccupation: I currently work at a dance studio in the Bay Area where I teach Hip-Hop, Jazz, and Contemporary to students of different ages. I'm also a full time student at a 4 year college. Who is your favorite former 49ers player? Dennis Brown. Aside from being an amazing former player, I have been lucky enough to be around him during appearances and events here at the stadium. I have been able to watch his genuine and kind personality shine through in everything he says and does. Five words to describe yourself: Creative, Humorous, Open-minded, Dedicated, and Relaxed What is the best advice for someone who dreams of being on Gold Rush? Don't over think it. Relax, be yourself, and remember why you love to perform. Don't do it for anyone but yourself. If you could be on any television show what would it be? Shake It Up on Disney Channel. I'm a Disney Channel lover and this show always has me laughing and wanting to get up and dance.What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you? I have never tried ketchup!

Tenure: Rookie Nationality: Filipino Hometown: Union City, CaliforniaCurrent Occupation: Elementary School TeacherEducational Background: I looked up to my teachers as superheroes, and I too strive to have a positive impact on the next generation. As a result, I geared my education towards the development of children, technology, and the arts. I earned my MS in Education with an emphasis in Educational Technology Leadership, BA in Liberal Studies with a focus on Early Childhood Development and AA in Fine Arts with a concentration in Theater and Dance.Who is the biggest Influence in your life? My dad has always guided me in the direction to do what makes me happy. He was generous, kind, and loving, all qualities I strive to embody. While he passed four years ago, his presence is still felt in my everyday life, and I wouldn't be who I am today without him. What is the number one thing on your bucket list? One major desire on my bucket list is to visit all the island locales listed in the song, Kokomo by The Beach Boys. Aruba, Jamaica, Bermuda, the Bahamas, Key Largo, Montego, Martinique, Montserrat and Port-au-Prince. So far I've been to two out of the nine tropical islands!Why did you decide to audition for Gold Rush? Deciding to audition for Gold Rush evolved into a life long goal for many reasons. Not only would I have the best seats in the house, but I would be doing what I love best, dancing my heart out. It wasn't until I auditioned for the team several times that I realized how much perseverance and dedication it took to become a cheerleader for the San Francisco 49ers. I also learned how involved the Gold Rush are in the community, and I knew by being on the team I could be an encouraging mentor. Gold Rush was everything I loved--inspiring others, dancing, performing and cheering on my favorite team. Two knee surgeries and five auditions later, I'm honored to be apart of the prestigious Gold Rush Cheerleaders, and the amazing 49ers organization.One thing most people would be surprised to learn about you… I am fluent in American Sign Language, and can sign the alphabet backwards. I love being involved in the deaf community, and it's so fulfilling to help people communicate with each other.

Tenure: Rookie Nationality: Sierra Leonean (West African)Hometown: San Jose, CaliforniaEducational Background: Currently in Nursing SchoolWhen did you start dancing? When the song Hip Hop Hooray came out by Naughty by Nature. My Parents and family said that was my favorite song to two-step to…and then rest was history!Who is the biggest influence in your life? This one has to go out to my mom. I could say with all confidence that she has dedicated her entire life to our family back in Africa and my sisters and I. She truly is irreplaceable. There is no greater love than one from a Mother, especially mine.When did you become a 49ers Fan? I am pretty lucky to being born into a family and a community of 49ers faithful.Where do you see yourself five years from now? Still step clapping all over Levi's Stadium and being a Registered Nursing working in the Labor and Delivery Unit or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I'm a little obsessed with babies. Why did you decide to audition for Gold Rush? Because I decided to finally follow my true hearts desires. Cheerleading has brought the most amazing times in my life. I am so grateful for each and every moment. It gives me the most euphoric feeling. Gold Rush embodies everything I value about being apart of a team and sisterhood.What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? I went four wheeling with my best friend through the Costa Rican rainforest for four hours.

Tenure: 2 Years Nationality: Swiss & Vietnamese Hometown: Palo Alto, California What is something people should know about being a member of the Gold Rush? Gold Rush only have rehearsals during the weekends because it allows us to go to school full-time or have full time jobs. My Gold Rush sisters are the full package of beauty and brains!What is game day like for you? Friday, Saturday… Game day! It's is my favorite day of the week! I absolutely love to spend this day with my incredible team and the all the Faithful fans out there. Where do you see yourself five years from now? I see myself traveling the world, meeting new people and experiences different cultures! In addition to dancing and cheerleading, what do you do for fun? I love to hike, bake, cook and work on "do it yourself" projects. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? I love trying all and anything new, so when I was in college I got my motorcycle license. One thing most people would be surprised to learn about you… I speak German! What is your favorite song to dance to? Somehow when "Back It Up" by Prince Royce comes on I always feel the need to salsa.

Tenure: Rookie Nationality: German, Polish, Native American Hometown: Aurora, IllinoisWho is the biggest Influence in your life? My mom is my superhero. She's helped me through life's crazy obstacles and pushed me to fight for my dreams. What is the best part about being a Gold Rush cheerleader? Getting the opportunity to do what I love in front of thousands of fans that love the game of football just as much as I do. The atmosphere of football games is like no other. What's your favorite workout? I love the weight room! Nothing creates a better burn the next day than lifting weights. It's an escape for me. Why did you decide to audition for Gold Rush? It's always been a passion of mine to express myself through dance and perform. I've danced my entire life and when I moved to California I knew this was where I was supposed to be. Gold Rush is full of beautiful, caring, intelligent, and talented women. They are heavily involved in the community too. Who wouldn't want to be a part of such a great team? In addition to dancing and cheerleading, what do you do for fun? I love hiking, exploring new restaurants, going to the beach and spending time with friends. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? I drove 32 hours straight across the United States, through a blizzard, ice storm, and dust storm to move from Illinois to California.

Tenure: 4 yearsNationality: I come from a very diverse background of seven nationalities; Filipino, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Irish, German, and Scottish.Hometown: Santa Clara, CaliforniaWho is the biggest Influence in your life? The biggest influences in my life are my parents. Without the continuous love and support of my parents, my successes this far would not have been possible. They have always told me to be a dreamer - "No dream is too big or too small," and to always stay true to myself.When did you become a 49ers Fan? I have been a 49ers fan since birth! I have an endless amount of photos from my childhood sporting my 49ers gear while watching Sunday football with my dad.What is something people should know about being a member of the Gold Rush? Being a Gold Rush team member does not only mean you are on a team, but it means you are part of a family. The Gold Rush is truly a sisterhood. Each and every woman that is or has been on the team has something unique about her. I am proud to stand amongst some of the most intelligent, supportive, kind, and talented women in the world.What is your favorite 49ers moment? My favorite Niner moment that I have been a part of was Navorro Bowman's "Pick At The Stick" during the final minutes of the final game at Candlestick Park. This was a special moment that I remember vividly. The entire Gold Rush team was together on the sideline waiting to enter the field for the end of the game and the action happened right in front of us! What is game day like for you? When I wake up on game day and put on my red lipstick I experience a feeling of excitement like no other. Every game day is remarkable to me because on these days I get to witness and be part of the power of football and the Niner Empire's love for the 49ers. Our fans are the best in the NFL and they make game days incredible.

Tenure: Rookie Nationality: Native American, German, Norwegian, Irish, & Welsh.Hometown: Petaluma, California Who is the biggest Influence in your life? My two older sisters are the biggest influences in my life. They're both extremely successful young women who motivate me to be the best person I can be. What is your favorite 49ers moment? My favorite Niner moment was attending my very first 49ers game on December 23, 2013, which happened to be the very last game at Candlestick Park. Watching the Niners beat the Atlanta Falcons was such an exciting moment in 49ers history. I feel very fortunate to have witnessed that historic game.What is the best part about being a Gold Rush cheerleader? The best part about being a Gold Rush cheerleader is being a role model to all the young fans, which has driven me to be the best person that I can be.In addition to dancing and cheerleading, what do you do for fun? I really enjoy cooking and hiking. I enjoy trying new recipes, but I especially love making my own creations. They haven't always turned out the best, but making mistakes and learning from them is what keeps me interested.You just won a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with it? If I won a million dollars, I would use it to fund resources that identify kids with learning disabilities. While many people suffer from learning disabilities, at risk children are not always identified. These students find themselves in a downward spiral with life long consequences.     What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you? One thing that most people would be surprised to learn about me is that I made my own prom dress my senior year of high school for my senior project.

Tenure: Rookie Nationality: Irish and MexicanHometown: Long Beach, CaliforniaWho is your favorite 49ers player? Vernon Davis is my favorite 49er player. Not only is he an asset to our team and has spent his entire professional career with the team, he's also active in the community. When Davis isn't on the field he is keeping busy with the Vernon Davis Foundation, which is a program that provides a positive alternative activity for local youth that are dealing with stress and peer pressure, via art programs. I also find it fascinating that he is an avid curling fan and was an honorary member of the U.S. Men's Curling team for the 2010 Olympic team. Biggest thrill? There is nothing better than strapping a parachute to your back to get on a plane, putting an oxygen mask on because you are flying to an elevation where the air is too hard to breathe in and jumping out of a plane. Falling 18,000 feet to the earth is an indescribable experience that everyone should experience at least once. Why did you decide to audition for Gold Rush? I moved to the Bay Area 5 years ago and really missed dance being such a big part of my life. Once I got back into dance class I realized that dancing wasn't enough, I wanted to be a part of something bigger again. The 49ers Gold Rush was a natural choice for me as not only are they a dancing and cheerleading team, but they also give back to the community. I really valued everything the team stood for and wanted to do whatever it took to be apart of the organization. You just won a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with it? The first thing I would do with a million dollars is apply for graduate school. There is nothing more valuable in life than education and the experience you get while you are going through school. If you could be on any television show what would it be and why? The Amazing Race. I've been watching it, on and off, since Season 1 and every year I tell myself that I could definitely compete on the show. It would be an incredible experience to travel the world, go on a crazy adventure and, hopefully, win the show at the end.

Tenure: 2 yearsNationality: American Hometown: Ogden, Utah Educational Background: I am a graduate of Weber State University Ogden, Utah with an Associate Science and a Associate Nursing degree. What is something people should know about being a member of the Gold Rush? We are a group of very unique and diverse women who all have one common goal to support the best team in the NFL. We strive for perfection with choreography as well as charity events, appearances and interacting with our faithful fans. It is a full time job that is memorable and rewarding to say the least!
What is your favorite 49ers moment? My favorite Niner moment was a performance at faithful mile. This was my parents' very first time seeing me in uniform, performing as an NFL cheerleader, and being at an NFL game. The tears that came to my dad's face while watching me perform of how proud he was of me and the moment of eye contact I made with my dad on stage- I will never forget. Every game during national anthem is always a favorite moment as well. I get a chance to reflect on how lucky we are as women to be dancing on the field and feeling the amount of energy in that stadium on game day is a rush.  What is the biggest thrill? Watching the high school cheerleaders I coach grow into beautiful women and obtaining the goals they set for themselves. Their accomplishments make my day seeing their triumphs and hard work.If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To cure cancer.What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you? I am fabulous at hula hooping and four square.

Tenure: 4 yearsNationality: African-American, Caucasian, Hispanic, and ChineseHometown:Â Fremont, CaliforniaWhat does it mean to be a 49ers Faithful? A 49ers Faithful is someone who has unconditional love for the 49ers, has a red heart and is gold blooded.What is game day like for you? What I love most about Levi's Stadium is that it enhances the game day experience. The 49ers Faithful are proud of the 49ers new home and that definitely shows at home games. I absolutely love how exuberant the fans are because it provides me with this unexplainable bolt of energy to dance that much harder and cheer that much louder.Educational Background: I graduated with my BA in Psychology and am currently in a dual degree program where I am pursuing my Doctorate (PsyD) in Clinical Psychology and my Masters in Sport Psychology. I plan to utilize my degree as a Sport Psychologist and work with professional athletes on mentally enhancing their performance.Where do you see yourself five years from now? Five years from now I ideally envision myself still dancing in my white heeled boots as a 49ers cheerleader and working for the 49ers as a Sport Psychologist.What's one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you? Most people would be surprised to know that I gave up my athletic career as a collegiate swimmer to pursue my dreams of becoming a Gold Rush cheerleader. Words to live by/ Favorite quote? My favorite quote in which I reference daily is: "The strongest people in the world aren't those most protected. They are the ones who must struggle against obstacles and adversity; and surmount them in order to survive".

Tenure: RookieNationality: American Hometown:Â Palo Alto, CaliforniaOccupation: Educational travel administratorWhen did you start dancing? I started dancing when I was five. My dance mentor growing up had been a member of Gold Rush and I was actually a Jr. Gold Rush! What's it like to be a Gold Rush cheerleader? It's an incredible thrill to perform on an NFL field cheering for my hometown and team! It's also such a privilege to be surrounded by a team of such talented and inspiring ladies. They are consistently motivating me to do my best. Who is your favorite 49ers player? Anquan Boldin, because he's not only a great receiver but also a good person. He established a foundation to help underprivileged children.Best workout? I enjoy long distance runs 5-6 times a week. In addition to cheerleading, what do you do for fun? Travel, I've been fortunate to visit many places in the world and I want to explore more. I am also a proud mommy of two dogs, who seem to take up most of my time!If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? I would love to be able to talk to animals!

Tenure: Rookie Nationality: Portuguese American Hometown: San Leandro, CaliforniaCurrent Occupation: I currently am an On Air Television Personality for Super Sunday HQ and Bay Area HQ, while also working as a JR. Account Manager. Who is the biggest Influence in your life? The biggest influence in my life is my mom. She is the strongest person I know. She has taught me to persevere in hard times, love more than my arms spread wide, work hard and dream to the stars. She is the most selfless, helpful, caring, person I have ever met. Overall, I owe a great deal of who I am today because of her. What is something people should know about being a member of the Gold Rush? To be a Gold Rush team member is an honor. You have to commit yourself in every aspect to the team. Fitness, time commitment, health, heart, these are just a few to name some. Gold Rush is a family, we live in the moment, laugh every day and make sure to love every minute of the journey. What does it mean to be a 49ers Faithful? What it means to me to be 49ers Faithful is to be a fan no matter the outcome. To love the team through the good times and bad, while supporting the team in all of their decisions. What is the best part about being a Gold Rush cheerleader? The best part about being a cheerleader is everything. From interacting with the fans, to performing on the field, to long practices with my sisters, everything is an indescribable feeling that I am grateful for.What do you look forward to most about being on the Gold Rush? What I look forward to most is taking the field with my sisters. Being on the field, knowing that my hard work has paid off. The adrenaline, the excitement, the thrill, gives me goose bumps just thinking about it.

Tenure: 2 yearsNationality: French and HispanicHometown: San Jose, CaliforniaWho is the biggest Influence in your life? The biggest influence in my life would be my Father. He made me the strong woman I am today. He taught me to always work hard and never give up on my dreams.       What is your favorite 49ers moment? My favorite Niner moment was at the Levi's Stadium Ribbon Cutting. Being a part of that was such an honor. It was so incredible seeing everyone that was a part of making Levi's stadium come alive. I had butterflies watching the ribbon get cut in half! I believe the 49ers fans and team deserve the best and that's exactly what we have.What is the best part of being a Gold Rush cheerleader? The best part of being a cheerleader is meeting the little girls who hope to one day be a cheerleader. Every year I look forward to taking picture and signing autographs for them. Seeing them smile makes me smile.What is the number one thing on your bucket list? To attend the 2016 Olympic omen's Gymnastics. U.S.A!If you could have any superpower, what would it be? If I could have any super power I would love to time travel. I could time travel to the future and find the cure for cancer. I would be able to see what my children and grandchildren would look like. I could also go back in time and relive my favorite times with family and friends.One thing most people would be surprised to learn about me is I am capable of walking on my hands for a long period of time. I love to challenge myself by walking up and down stairs.

Tenure: Rookie Nationality:Â American Hometown:Â Fremont, California Educational Background: I graduated from BYU-Idaho with a bachelors in business management with an emphasis in entrepreneurshipWhat does it mean to be a 49ers Faithful? To be 49er faithful means that through the good times and the bad, rain or shine, win or lose, a faithful fan will be there cheering for the team. To be a 49ers fan means to be Forever.A.Niner!What is the number one thing on your bucket list? I want to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef.Why did you decide to audition for Gold Rush? I have known I wanted to be on the Gold Rush since I was young, my mom was on the Gold Rush in the 80's and I wanted to be just like her. As I got older and developed my own love for the 49ers I knew that I wanted cheer on my team and experience that for myself.What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? When I was 19 I packed up and moved cross-country to work in Florida, not knowing a single person or what to expect from my new job. What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you? I am overly enthusiastic about celebrating EVERY holiday on the calendar. I go above and beyond to decorate, plan activities, and bake treats.

Tenure: 3 years Nationality: African AmericanHometown: La Verne, CaliforniaWho is the biggest Influence in your life? My mother is my biggest influence. She is the strongest woman in the world and I aspire to be just like her!When did you become a 49ers Fan? I have been a 49ers Faithful since birth! I have been watching their games with my dad and brothers for as long as I can remember. What is your favorite 49ers moment? My favorite Niner moment will always be "The Pick and The Stick". It was the perfect way to finish our last regular season at Candlestick Park.If you could be on any television show what would it be and why? I have always wanted to be on The Walking Dead. I think I could hold my own during a zombie apocalypse! What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you? People would be surprised to know that I used to work at Disneyland as a parade performer.What is your favorite memory from Gold Rush? My favorite memory from Gold Rush is when we had the 30 year reunion and I was able to meet all the amazing women who were on the team before me!

Tenure: 2 yearsNationality: All- American Girl- Irish, German, Filipino, And MexicanHometown: Fremont, CaliforniaEducational Background: I graduated from San Jose State University with a Bachelors Degree in Business Marketing.What is the best part about being a Gold Rush cheerleader? The best part of being a cheerleader is the effect we have on the fans and the community. One of the greatest feelings and reasons why I continue to do this is because of the rewarding feeling I get after every appearance and game day from being able to interact with the loyal fans and the pride I have to be a part of such a dedicated and powerful organization.What is game day like for you? Game days are the best days of the year! It's like experiencing Christmas as a kid. We all go to bed super early to wake up before the crack of dawn to be at Levi's. As long as the day is, to me it seems to go by so fast and over before I know it. The best part is bonding with all the girls in the locker room after our field rehearsal. We all get pumped for the game ahead and then the moment in the tunnel before we take the field just gets your adrenaline racing! The rest is just pure bliss.Why did you decide to audition for Gold Rush? Growing up a 49ers fan and starting my passion for dancing at age 4, it was always my ultimate goal to be dancing on the field one day! I am so glad I have accomplished this dream. In addition to dancing and cheerleading, what do you do for fun? I love going to country concerts. Whether it be a big headliner tour or a small venue I always enjoy some good country musicWhat is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? Before joining Gold Rush I traveled the United States and lived out of a suitcase for 10 months!

Tenure: 6 yearsNationality: Croatian and ItalianHometown: Clovis, California Current Occupation: Boutique Owner and Marketing Rep for a home health agencyWho is the biggest Influence in your life? Without question, my mother is the person who influenced my life the most by demonstrating kindness, compassion, empathy, integrity, peace, contentment, calmness even in the face of extreme challenges. Her passion for life and unconditional love is what has molded me into the woman I am today. When did you become a 49ers Fan? I have been a 49ers Fan ever since I could remember. My childhood was filled with Jerry Rice and Joe Montana; I have my dad to thank for that!Who is your favorite 49ers player? My favorite 49er player is Offensive Tackle, Joe Staley. Not only is a beast on the field, he gets involved within the community and can light up a room with his charismatic jokes.What is your biggest thrill? I'll never forget February 3, 2013, the day I stepped onto the Mercedes Benz Superdome field for Super Bowl in New Orleans. It was the most unforgettable thrill of my life! If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? I would wish to have the superpower to heel. Our world is filled with innocent sick people who deserve a fulfilling life to live. What is your favorite memory from Gold Rush? My favorite memory would have to be representing the 49ers at Pro Bowl in 2014. It was by far one of the best experiences of my Gold Rush career.

Tenure: Rookie Nationality: Puerto Rican and African AmericanHometown: San Francisco, CaliforniaWhen did you start dancing? I've been dancing since I could walk, but I joined my first team when I was 10. What's your favorite workout? Dancing! It's such a great way to burn calories and stay fit while having fun at the same time. What is the number one thing on your bucket list? I really like baseball; I want to travel and visit all of the MLB stadiums. Why did you decide to audition for Gold Rush? It's always been my dream to cheer in the NFL, and I grew up watching the beautiful and talented Gold Rush cheerleaders. I've always wanted to be on this team, so when I heard about auditions I had to go.One thing most people would be surprised to learn about you…I love sneakers, and I have quite a large collection of Jordan's. Words to live by: "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain."

Tenure: 3 years Nationality: JapaneseHometown:Â Tokyo, Japan Educational Background: Graduated from Otsuma Woman's University in Japan with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition. What is the best advice for someone who dreams of being on Gold Rush? You should find out what the best style is on you such as in dance, hair, make-up, body and everything! By knowing your best style, you will be able to be confident and you will do your best on stage!Biggest thrill? Traveling. I traveled to LA, NYC, San Diego, Scottsdale, The Grand Canyon, Sedona, Denver, Chicago, New Orleans, Las Vegas, Yosemite, Ohio and Oklahoma City in the last 2 years. I loved all the cities because they gave me new discoveries! I plan on visiting Miami this year. I love America! Why did you decide to audition for Gold Rush? I was a cheerleader in Japan. Japanese cheerleaders admire NFL cheerleaders. Being a Gold Rush was my dream when I was little. I strongly believe the 49ers are the most traditional and international team in the NFL!What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you? I'm from Japan and I came to the US to cheer for the 49ers! I had never been to the US and didn't speak any English before making the squad. Now I can speak English!What is your dream vacation destination? The Moon. I think it will be possible by the time I'm 70 years old.

Tenure: 2 years Nationality: Guamanian, Spanish, and Vietnamese Hometown: Gustine, CaliforniaWhat is game day like for you? Game day is long, but goes by in a blink of an eye. Learning how to take it all in and just being as present in the moment is something every Gold Rush member will tell you to do. Stepping out on the field on game day is a feeling I can never forget. Especially with all those Faithfuls cheering our team on with me.Where do you see yourself five years from now? In five years I see myself as a nurse giving back to the community and hopefully passing on everything I know about being a Gold Rush team member on to the next beautiful women.What is the best advice for someone who dreams of being on Gold Rush? To never give up on your dreams. Even if that means years of preparing, your time will come to become a part of this sisterhood. I dreamed of being a Gold Rush cheerleader since I was 5 years old and no one believed I could make it. The key is to believe in yourself and never give up despite anything. Only you can make your dreams come true.What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you? I was actually born in a car on my way to the hospital.What is your favorite memory from Gold Rush? I still remember going out in the community for the first time as a Gold Rush member and seeing a little girl in the crowd. She was in line waiting to take a picture with us and had a smile ear to ear. When we finally got to her in line she came and gave me a big hug. It was the most humbling feeling to have a little girl look up to me as I once looked up to the Gold Rush members myself.

Tenure: 3 yearsNationality: Persian and ItalianHometown: San Jose, CaliforniaWhen did you start Cheering? I was a gymnast throughout all of elementary school and part of middle school. I then transitioned into a competitive cheerleader during middle school and high school competing in the school divisions and also through an all-star program. I found my passion for dance in middle school and started to compete through an all-star program in high school. I wanted to continue my growth in my craft and so I tried out for Gold Rush and have been continuing with this team for the last 3 years!What is it like to be a Gold Rush cheerleader? Something a lot of people don't know about members of the Gold Rush is that the education level of the women on this team is incredibly inspiring. The job titles that the Gold Rush members have outside of the team are all so different and beautiful in their own ways. We have educators, lawyers, choreographers, nurses, and much more. You name it we have it and that diversity within this squad is surreal to be surrounded by! It's an honor to be part of something that is not based purely on just the performance aspect but also the character of the individual as well!Who is your favorite former 49ers player? My favorite former 49ers player is Jerry Rice! He was and still is an incredible athlete and I love that he still chooses to stay completely dedicated to his craft. I got the opportunity to work with Jerry on his Pilot for his show Friday Night Impossible. To be able to watch this man pass on his knowledge in football and work along side kids who aspire to be like him one day just showed me the true meaning of being a 49ers athlete. His goal is to not just to make a name for himself in football but also to pass on that passion to our youth and inspire them to one day inspire others.What is the best part of being a Gold Rush cheerleader? The best part of being a Gold Rush cheerleader is getting the opportunity to create life long friendships with your teammates. I was fortunate enough to be a part of the 50th anniversary with all the previous Gold Rush members and to see the strong relationships they still had was incredible and just reassured me that no matter what my bond with every Gold Rush sister will be forever strong and valuable to me!You just won a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with it? I would start a non-profit dance studio for people who can't afford to be on a team but who have the passion and love for their craft. I would also donate part of it to a diabetes foundation and then give the rest of the money to my family because without their guidance and support I would not be the woman I am today. Love you guys!

Tenure: 2 yearsNationality: Hawaiian, Filipino and American Hometown: Honolulu, HawaiiEducational Background: I graduated from The University of Oregon with my Bachelors of Science degree in Human Anatomy and Physiology with a minor in Psychology. Who is the biggest Influence in your life? The biggest influence in my life is my dad, Michael, because he is a true example of a family man. I know that no matter what, he will always be there for my brother and me. My other influence is my guardian angel, my mom, Michele. She taught me growing up how to love unconditionally, to be happy and never take life for granted. My brother, Shayne is also my inspiration because he is one of my best friends and always knows how to make me smile. What is your favorite 49ers moment? My favorite Niners moment was the grand opening of Levi's Stadium. It was an indescribable feeling standing on the field for the first time surrounded by my teammates and all of the Faithful in the stands. Where do you see yourself five years from now? I see myself graduated with my Masters degree in Sports Medicine and traveling the world. I would love to go to Europe, Bali, Costa Rica, and South Africa.If you could have any superpower, what would it be? I always wished I had the ability to teleport. I could visit my loved ones in Hawaii anytime I wanted, travel the world, and never have to rush anywhere.Favorite Food: I love Japanese food! Sushi, ramen, gyoza & mocha ice cream are my all time favorite.

Tenure: RookieNationality: Italian and GermanHometown:Â San Jose, CaliforniaWhen did you become a 49ers Fan? When I was growing up, my dad was always in charge of the remote on the weekends so that meant the 49ers and ESPN were bound to be on. He cherished it as father/daughter bonding time so I played along and learned the game. As he would explain to me all of the plays, I made sure to point out when the cheerleaders popped up on the screen, we were a great pair on NFL Sundays! I always thank him for deriving my passion: football and dance!Who is your favorite former 49ers player? Joe Montana. I love and admire the legacy that Montana left behind! He is still admired and looked up to even today. What's your favorite workout? A fun day of wakeboarding out on the lake or a long run early in the morning while playing the "Today's Country Radio" station on my Pandora. Why did you decide to audition for Gold Rush? It was never a decision for me but rather an honor to have the opportunity to represent my team and my hometown. I made it a life goal and I went after it full force. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? I lived in San Jose in the same house my whole life. When it was time to go off to college, I made a leap of faith by moving to a different state, which completely terrified me. It was the best decision I could have made and turned out to be an unforgettable adventure! What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you? I travel a total of 532 miles round-trip to be with my team for every practice, game, and 49ers event!

Tenure: Rookie Nationality: HispanicHometown:Â Sanger, California Who is the biggest Influence in your life? The biggest influences in my life are my parents. Throughout my life they've always worked hard to support our family with very little resources. They taught me how to utilize my skills to my full advantage. Where do you see yourself five years from now? Five years from now I see myself completing my master's degree and being a part of the FBI. Best advice for someone who dreams of being on Gold Rush? Do not prepare on the day or the week of auditions. Preparation begins the moment you begin dreaming about it. In addition to dancing and cheerleading, what do you do for fun? For fun I enjoy going to the gym and coming up with new workouts. Exercising has always been a priority of mine and I enjoy doing it 4 to 5 times a week. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? The most adventurous thing I have ever done was bungee jumping at a local fair. I had never done anything like it until that night. What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you? Most people do not know I am a twin. We are fraternal twins and he is one minute older.

Tenure: 2 yearsNationality: Irish and ItalianHometown: Cottonwood, California Who is the biggest Influence in your life? My mom. Sometimes I want to write a book about her life because she is the most incredible person I know. She's fostered over 200 children since becoming a foster parent in her 20's and has adopted 7. Her compassion for kids has definitely influenced me to want to become a Social Worker.Best advice for someone who dreams of being on Gold Rush? Dance is something that runs in your blood and it's not easy to become a professional dancer, but being told "Yes" at one audition can make up for all of the times you were told "No". So believe in yourself! Nothing will get you farther than having the confidence and perseverance to accomplish your biggest dreams.Why did you decide to audition for Gold Rush? I decided to audition for Gold Rush when I was a little girl. My big sister put the idea in my head and it just grew from there as I got older. The Gold Rush has such a positive classy demeanor. Each and every person on the team is unique, strong, and inspiring. It was really a no-brainer when it came to choosing which team to audition for and I couldn't be happier with my decision.You just won a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with it? I would donate to the Cystic Fibrosis Research foundation. My big sister and a few of my close friends have struggled from this disease and I would want nothing more than to help get us closer to finding a cure.One thing most people would be surprised to learn about you… I have 12 brothers and sisters. Words to live by/ Favorite quote? "She's clothed in strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future" Proverbs 31:25

Tenure: 5 yearsNationality: African American, Japanese, and IrishHometown: Central ValleyEducational Background: I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology, and went on to obtain my Masters in Counseling and Students Services and PPS Credential.Who is the biggest Influence in your life? Besides my parents being the biggest influence in my life recently I realized by working in education that my students have greatly influenced me. Listening to my students stories they inspire me to continue to love and care for others.What is your favorite 49ers moment? My favorite Niners moment would be when we went to the Super Bowl in 2013. What's bigger and better than the Super Bowl? In sports? Nothing. I've dreamed of going to the Super Bowl my entire life, but I never thought that I would actually have had the opportunity to attend and cheer at the game. In addition to dancing and cheerleading, what do you do for fun? Outside of dancing what I like to do in my spare time is traveling. I love getting to know places I had only seen in books or movies. I enjoy trying new foods and learning new customs. My favorite thing about traveling would have to be meeting new people and learning how our cultures are alike and, even better, how they are different.You just won a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with it? If I won a million dollars some of the first things that I would do is get my parents whatever they wanted, put money away for my nieces and nephews to go to college, and donate money to the Kevin T. Shaw scholarship fund which recognizes a graduating senior who demonstrates exemplary leadership and academic success.What is your favorite part about being a Gold Rush cheerleader? My favorite part about Gold Rush would have to be our Jr. Gold Rush program. I absolutely love working with all of the little kiddos. Seeing how the girls look up to us as role models and how excited they are to be there makes me fall back in love with dancing all over again.

Tenure: Rookie Nationality: African American Hometown: Stockton, California Who is the biggest Influence in your life? The biggest influence in my life is my older sister. She is one of the strongest women I know and I will always look up to her. She always seems to have the answer to everything, and she never lets any obstacle stand in her way of any goal she sets her sights on. Who is your favorite 49ers player? Colin Kaepernick. Being so young and being the "face" of the 49ers, Colin handled the pressure and always performed. Even through tough games he always kept his head up and lead his team in a positive way.What is the best part of being a Gold Rush cheerleader? The best part of being a cheerleader is being able to perform out on the field. There's nothing I wanted more in life than to be on Gold Rush. The team and the fans mean so much to me, and their support really fuels my passion as a dancer. Everyone loves the game of football, and the fans will forever be faithful to this awesome team. What is game day like for you? When I imagine game day, I imagine it to be a surreal feeling. Early morning adrenaline pumping through my blood along with my coffee. When all the seats are filled and kick off is about to commence, the excitement keeps everyone standing all day long. Dancing and keeping the crowd entertained is the best part. Looking left and right seeing my teammates next to me will only confirm why all my hard work was worth it. Cheering on team to victory is the best feeling ever, I know I will never forget those moments.If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? If I had any superpower, it would be the power to heal. My mother has been battling with an illness called Lupus since she was very young. Healing her as well as healing anyone else who suffers from any other type of illness would be so rewarding for me. What is one thing most people would be surprised to learn about you? The one thing people are surprised to learn about me is the fact that I am an armored guard and that I carry a firearm! People see me at first glance, and they see this petite woman, they would never guess that I have such a manly job.

Tenure: 2 yearsNationality: Japanese Hometown: Nagoya, JapanEducational Background: I graduated from a university in Japan. I majored in communication and minored in dance. When did you become a 49ers Fan? I have been a 49ers fan since I was 15 years old. The first NFL game I ever went to was a 49ers game. Needless to say, I was very impressed with the team and have been a loyal fan ever since.Where do you see yourself five years from now? I want to eventually run my mother's cheerleading and dance school. I want to share my knowledge and experiences from Gold Rush with young girls and help them achieve their dreams in dance and cheerleading. Best advice for someone who dreams of being on Gold Rush? Always challenge yourself to improve your skills and get better. Always be the hardest worker. Biggest thrill? My biggest thrill was walking on the skywalk at the Grand Canyon. In addition to dancing and cheerleading, what do you do for fun? I recently took up surfing and it is one of my favorite things to do now. Also, I know its kind of boring but I really like to watch the news.What is your favorite memory from Gold Rush? I really enjoyed the end of the season banquet last year. It was awesome seeing everyone dressed up. It was bitter sweet though, because it also meant the season was over.