2010 Pro Bowl: 49ers Cheerleader Amy

Amy tried to serve her team past the AFC in beach volleyball.

Amy poses by one of the hotel elevators.

Amy poses with Amanda (Saints), Kelli (Falcons), Kelli (Panthers), Justine (Cowboys) and Heather (Redskins)

Amy and some of her teammates pose with the Seahawks mascot.

Amy poses in front of the Miami skyline.

Amy with Panthers cheerleader Kelli.

Amy didn't have to go far to have a good view of the beach.

Amy poses with the rest of the cheerleaders before the competition begins.

Amy walks the runway at the Pro Bowl cheerleader fashion show.

Amy hits the runway at the Pro Bowl Cheerleader Fashion Show.

Amy competes in a game of flag football.

Amy poses for a group shot with the rest of the Pro Bowl Cheerleaders.

Amy and the NFC battle the AFC in tug-of-war.

Amy's turn to serve as the NFC took on the AFC.

Amy showed good form in the cheerleaders' game of beach volleyball.

Amy goes for the bump in a game of beach volleyball.

Amy celebrates with her NFC volleyball team.