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Player Feature: Tarvarius Moore

Coming from a town with just two stoplights, Moore is looking forward to having the opportunity to travel. "I can remember as a kid, just going to any big city was a big deal for us," Moore said. "I want to travel to as many countries as I can, just to experience those different cultures."

DB Tarvarius Moore

Moore comes from an athletic family, as his cousin, Antonio McDyess, played 17 seasons in the NBA for the Pistons, Nuggets, Spurs, Suns, and Knicks. Originally drafted by the Clippers (then traded to the Nuggets) with the 2nd overall pick, McDyess averaged 12 points and 7 rebounds per game in his lengthy NBA career.


Before the start of his senior year at Southern Mississippi, Moore's younger sister, TavyAnna, passed away suddenly at the age of 16. "My sister was basically my best friend," said Moore. "After every game, no matter what, she was always the first person I'd see. Even if it was a tough loss, she would just always try to encourage me or give me some words of wisdom. For her to be my younger sister, she was kind of like my big sister at times. So, it was pretty hard, but I know she would want me to go out and do my best."

Read more about Tarvarius Moore by clicking his bio below.

Coach's Corner: Richard Hightower

This month's "Coach's Corner" is an interview from 49ers Special Teams Coordinator, Richard Hightower.


What stood out to you during P Mitch Wishnowsky's rookie year?

Just how poised and how much of a professional he was. He grew week in and week out. The growth in his ability to place the ball where we wanted it and to limit returns was just phenomenal. Also his passion for the game, which we knew while drafting him, but it was even better than advertised when he got here. His ability to see the field and pin opponents and just be a weapon for the defense, that's what stood out most.

Entering his 16th season, what is it about K Robbie Gould that has made him so consistent in his career for as long as he has?

His will and determination to be great. I think Robbie is a constant pro and he's one of those guys that deep down inside his heart all he wants to do is win. The way he goes about his daily habits and works each and every day and the resilience he possesses is one of the reasons why he's been one of the great kickers in this league and why he'll continue to be.

With an expected healthy competition for the return specialist roles, what are you looking for in a returner to win the top spot?

What we always look for, first and foremost, is a guy who's going to take care of the football. After that, we want a guy who can change games. We want a game-changer that can come in, build momentum, help us put points on the board, and just a guy who's going to go out there and do what he's coached to do down-in and down-out.


How does a player like RB Raheem Mostert, who has made NFL rosters through special teams and has since broken NFL Playoff records on offense, inspire core special teams players?

I think all they have to do is look at his body of work. Obviously, everyone knows the story that he wasn't able to be in a place as long as he would have liked to be to showcase his talent. Fortunately, that happened for him here. Another thing guys have to look at with Raheem is how much he sacrifices to be great. It's just a great story and other rookies and young players can just look at him and know if you work hard enough at something, hard work pays off. I couldn't be happier for Raheem because he's truly always been that way since he was on special teams and a lot of people didn't notice it there. Obviously, the people on this team knew, but guys just need to understand that hard work pays off. It's always going to be that way as long as you work and you have the right intentions, you can succeed.

How do you manage players that have roles on multiple sides of the ball including special teams?

What we try to do is look at what's best for the team. Our personnel department has done a wonderful job of getting the right type of players so we have the right players with the right mindsets and attitudes and then it takes care of itself. We will make sure a guy isn't being overused and that he has the most energy he can have whether that's on special teams, offense or defense. The guys know what it takes to win, they know we all play complementary football and we all want to help one another so the guys are really good in that aspect. We are very fortunate to have the players we have and to me, that starts in the personnel department for the type of guys we have.

With rumors about changes to kickoffs, onside kicks, and other special teams plays each offseason, how does that affect your overall football philosophy?

I really don't try to dive too much into it until a rule is made. I always will look at the things that are being talked about because they propose those things to special team coaches and we try to get the owners and everybody as much information we can give them to keep the game as safe as we can while also making it as competitive as it can be. I think collectively everyone has worked together on that so well and I'm excited for whatever changes do or don't happen. As long as they keep our guys competitive and make our game safer, I'm all for it.

To read more about Coach Hightower, click his bio below.

WON of Us: Dana

Dana Simas, born into 49ers fandom has the pleasure of passing on her passion for the team to the next generation of Faithful.


Faithful Since…

I was born into my 49ers fandom. My parents used to attend games at Kezar Stadium and became season ticket holders at Candlestick Park, but it wasn't just my parents that were big fans, it was my entire extended family. It became a tradition that we would all get together and tailgate together. Some of my favorite memories growing up are from The Stick. As an adult, I became a season ticket holder myself and am lucky enough to have made the transition to Levi's® Stadium as well. It is an amazing family affair. My parents' generation passed it down to us and now I get to pass it to my kids in the new stadium.

What do you love about WON?

I love that we have an official place where being a woman, being a person who loves the game of football, and being a fan of the 49ers can all merge into one amazing group. We get to bring so many of the female Faithful together and create an amazing bond as like-minded people. The group is so unique and I am so appreciative that the organization is finding great ways to support women. Even if you don't see many women on the field of play, we are in the stands, and the tailgates doing our part to make an impact for our team.

Get to know WON member Dana.

Was there one inspirational moment in team history that confirmed your 49ers fandom?

There isn't one moment that confirmed my fandom since I've been a fan since birth, but the most special moment that I can think of was The Catch III featuring my daughter's favorite player, Alex Smith, and my favorite player, Vernon Davis. As season ticket holders and fans through some tough times, that return to the playoffs was already special, but to win that game with a last-minute touchdown featuring our favorite players was just perfect. The 2011 team had so many great people on it that our family was lucky enough to meet so seeing them have success was that much sweeter.

What 49ers tradition or superstition do you/your family have?

For a long time, we have been known as The Tailgate Family. With that reputation, we have a certain set of traditions that must be executed in a certain order and way to give the team the best chance at success each week. It's mostly a series of little things, but we have to pack each item in a certain order, depart the house at the right time, park in the same stall and make our friends keep the same stalls as well. While we have rotating meals throughout the year, one consistent snack at every tailgate is French Onion Dip and Ruffles original potato chips. Of course, we also have certain attire that must be worn every week, home, or away.

What impact has the 49ers had on your life?

The team and the organization have had a tremendous impact on our lives. It started as something that everyone in our family enjoyed but we've developed bonds with so many great people beyond our immediate family. We are now a 49ers family that stretches to friends, tailgate partners, and season ticket seat neighbors. While we all love the Red and Gold, we build bonds beyond the game and hang out at non-football events, take care of each other through the tragedies and milestones of life. Every year, we discuss our seat renewal but there is never any hesitation. The 49ers are a part of who we are.

If you know a WON Member that you think should be featured, you can let us know HERE.

Community Connection: Storytime with Arik Armstead

Storytime-with-Arik-Armstead_3000x1688Artboard 3

Arik Armstead and his mother Christa Armstead went live on Instagram for a special Mother's Day reading. The pair kicked off the Storytime with Arik Armstead program with a book that had a lot of sentimental value to Christa as she used to read it to Arik as a child. After the story, Arik talked more about his Storytime program and where teachers could apply for their class to receive a special visit from him. Arik hopes this program will engage and connect with kids during this time of uncertainty, and impact those who might not have access to books.

This Month in 49ers History

A look at marquee moments throughout the team's rich history pulled from the 49ers Archives.


June 8, 2010        

Santa Clara voters unanimously approved Measure J which led to the construction of Levi's® Stadium. The original stadium plan was a new 68,500 seat stadium for the San Francisco 49ers, topped with solar panels and a vision to be one of the most technologically advanced and sustainable venues in the sports and entertainment industry. The official groundbreaking took place on April 19, 2012. A little over two years later, on August 17, 2014, the 49ers played their first game at Levi's Stadium, hosting the Denver Broncos. On January 11, 2020, the 49ers hosted their first NFL Playoff game in their new home defeating the Minnesota Vikings 27-10 and advancing to the NFC Championship game which they won, claiming their seventh conference championship.

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