Chances are, you probably won't ever run, jump or lift like Torrey Smith.
But that doesn't mean you can't train like the Niners wide receiver.
Smith recently demonstrated a portion of his offseason workout for the cameras at NFL Up!
"I'm known as a speed guy because I can run, but I also try to strengthen areas where I'm weak," Smith said. "It's about balance… When you work to enhance your God-given ability, you become a better player."
For his video series, Smith modeled three different maneuvers: the sled march cut drill, the star drill and the modified figure-8 drill.
The demonstrations, which Smith and a trainer give step-by-step instructions for, are designed to increase speed, strength, endurance, balance, footwork and technique off the line of scrimmage.
Per league rules, the Niners may not conduct football activities with their players until April 4 – the start of the team's offseason workouts. That is why players often seek training elsewhere in the winter months.
Watch all of Smith's training videos below and check out NFL Up! for workouts from more players.