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2021-12-26 STEAM Champions Text 

49ers EDU's Virtual STEAM Champions Program recognizes charitable partners committed to inspiring students and teachers, and building the next generation of STEAM professionals and leaders in our community.

This newly launched program recognizing supporters of 49ers EDU's custom distance learning STEAM programming is an extension of the regular in-person programming at Levi's® Stadium, which has been completely reimagined since the beginning of the pandemic.

In a normal year, 49ers EDU welcomes 60,000 students to the "49ers EDU & Denise DeBartolo York Education Center" for meaningful and relevant educational experiences that leverage football as a platform to connect, engage and inspire K-8 students and educators in STEAM. This school year, STEAM Champions are partners investing in work that advances key STEAM principles while integrating core business concepts from the partners' unique area of business, industry, and expertise for distance learning modules offering students and teachers engaging content to supplement synchronous learning.
