FAN ADVISORY: Silverado Stages to Replace SamTrans Bus Service to Candlestick Park
49ers fans in San Mateo County and Palo Alto will have a new bus service provider for home games during the 2008 season. Starting this preseason, Silverado Stages will offer bus service from the Peninsula Area to Candlestick Park in place of SamTrans.
The change is the result of a new Federal Transit Administration regulation that prohibits SamTrans from continuing to provide bus service to the stadium. At this time, the new regulation does not impact fans that plan to take other forms of public transit to Candlestick Park including San Francisco's Muni service.
Fans in San Mateo County that planned to travel to the stadium by bus are urged to contact Silverado Stages at 1-800-781-4699 for more information about routes, schedules and pricing, or click here for a list of public transportation service providers that offer game day service to Candlestick Park.
Although the timing of this new regulation is unfortunate, we commend SamTrans for its efforts to make the transition to Silverado Stages as seamless as possible, and thank them for their long-time service to our fans. Silverado Stages has assured us that our fans will be pleased with their level of service and commitment.
The 49ers regret any changes this new regulation may cause to your travel plans and we look forward to welcoming you back to Candlestick Park in August for the start of the 2008 season.